Discover Organic Canvas Collection


Made from cotton that’s organically grown without the use of toxic fertilizers and pesticides.

100% Natural

Our canvas is made from organic cotton that’s grown without synthetic agricultural chemicals (see ya later, fertilizers and pesticides). That means it’s better for the earth—its production enhances biodiversity and biological cycles—and for you.

Limited Supply

Organic farming is more complicated and time-consuming than traditional farming, so the supply of organic cotton is limited. We choose to prioritize this material because it creates a higher-quality canvas and is better for the earth (and your skin!).

organic canvas Catalina on shoulder

Safe for Your Skin

Our organic cotton canvas is hypo-allergenic, dye-free, and pesticide-free. That means it won’t irritate even the most sensitive skin.

woman by car


Organic cotton is grown without the use of fertilizers or pesticides.


Organic farming creates healthier soil, which ultimately requires less water and is more resilient during dry periods.

Investing in Sustainability

As our business grows, we’re committed to enhancing (not just minimizing harm to) the earth and the wonderful places we travel to. Read more about our approach to sustainability here.

Brand certified